The Wilmette Public Library District Board of Trustees is currently accepting applications to fill a vacancy on the board. This vacancy opportunity is to fill an unexpired term through the next election in April 2023. Information about trustee responsibilities and application materials are available on this page.
At the end of the July 19 Regular Meeting of the Wilmette Public Library District Board of Trustees, the Board accepted the resignation of Trustee Stuart Wolf, effective July 31, 2022. Trustee Wolf has relocated out of Wilmette and is no longer eligible to serve. At the August 16 Board Meeting, Trustees approved an ordinance declaring the vacancy of Trustee Wolf’s seat.
Application Information
Wilmette Public Library District is governed by a board of seven publicly-elected Wilmette residents. Trustees serve four year terms, govern without compensation, and are the official policy-making body of the Library. On average, the trustee position requires a commitment of up to 4-6 hours per month (including 1-2 meetings and preparation). Regular meetings of the board are held on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm.
Library Trustee Responsibilities Include:
- Financial oversight, including adopting a tax levy and annual budget that meets the financial needs of the Library.
- Hire a qualified library director and provide ongoing evaluation for the director.
- Adopt formal policies that govern the library.
- Participate in the strategic planning process to ensure the library has a strategic plan with an action plan and timeline.
- Advocate for the Library in the community and with your elected officials.
- Attend and actively participate in board meetings and board committee meetings.
- Affiliate with regional, state, and national library associations as appropriate.
- Know your community and its library needs; keep current on library standards and trends; and support staff and director in carrying out library services.
- Participate in the library’s outreach events.
- Know local and state laws and support library legislation in the Illinois and federal governments.
- Board Bylaws
- Library Administrative Policies and Appendices
- Duties of Trustees
- Library Strategic Plan and Finances
To apply:
Complete the Trustee Vacancy Application (fillable pdf), provide the names and contact information for 2 references, and return by email to library director Anthony Auston at aauston@wilmettelibrary.info.
For complete consideration, application materials are due no later than Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 6:00pm. Interviews of prospective candidates will be scheduled for Monday, September 19, 2022.
Contact Information:
Anthony Auston, Director
Lisa McDonald, President, Wilmette Public Library District Board of Trustees