Elif's Classics Corner: Nausea

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"existence is not something which lets itself be thought of from a distance; it must invade you suddenly, master you, weigh heavily on your heart like a great motionless beast - or else there is nothing at all."

So, I recently finished reading Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre, and it was quite the journey. The main character, Antonie, is a writer who becomes disillusioned with his life and experiences a profound sense of existential angst. The book is written in a stream-of-consciousness style, which can make it a bit of a dense read, but it's worth it for the insights into the human condition. Sartre's prose is masterful, and the way he explores the nature of existence is both fascinating and haunting. It's definitely not a book for everyone, but if you're in the mood for something heavy and introspective, I highly recommend it.

Elif is a New Trier High School student reviewing the classics for her senior project. Follow her on Instagram at @readsbyel

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Krista Hutley
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