One Interesting Thing About Mother Goose

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One interesting thing about Mother Goose is that she’s alive and well!  Mother Goose and other nursery rhymes are still popular around the world and for good reason. They develop a child’s ear for language and that is the cornerstone of literacy. According to the author of Reading Magic, Mem Fox, reading experts have found that children who memorize eight Mother Goose rhymes by the time they’re four are usually among the best readers by the time they’re eight. Mother Goose rhymes help your child learn to read and stay a strong reader. 

Over the years, these rhymes have been put to music and over time, they’ve even been animated!  You can find many captivating ditties that entrance preschoolers giving them a solid nursery rhyme base.

But children need chances to interact and sing the rhymes with other people if they are to build good speaking and listening skills.

That’s where you come in! Even if you don’t think you have a good voice, singing the rhymes together models and reinforces the skills gained while watching these animations. The way you pronounce words, the way you inflect your voice, and even how you might stumble over the lyrics and correct yourself gives them the all-important chance to practice the words and cement all that wonderful learning. 


Mary Had a Little Lamb and others sound great when you’re in the car, walking to the park, or basically anywhere you and your child are together. If you’re forgetting the words to Pease Porridge Hot, you can borrow materials from Wilmette Public Library or watch Mother Goose animations together (co-viewing is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics).

As their first and most beloved teacher, take advantage of these rhymes by singing with your child, and if you think you can’t remember the rhymes, don’t forget to check out materials at the Wilmette Public Library or through the Libby or Hoopla app. Enjoy!

Post Author
Diane dos Santos