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World Book Kids

World Book Kids

World Book Kids offers image-based navigation, easy‐to‐read articles, and thousands of illustrations, plus engaging games, science projects, and activities. For grades K+.

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World Book Student

World Book Student

World Book Student provides access to encyclopedia articles, multimedia files, interactive maps, biographies, research tools, and more. For grades 5+.


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World Book Timelines

World Book Timelines

World Book Timelines offers hundreds of timelines across eight broad topics, which cover various time periods in history or span the life of historical public figures.

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World News Digest

World News Digest

A standard resource for information on U.S. and world events, World News Digest includes a complete searchable full-text archive, breaking news, and more.

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WorldCat is the world's largest network of library content and services. Wilmette card holders can request to borrow certain WorldCat items not available in our system. Ask a librarian to learn more. 

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