Tech Help for All

Start Date

Tech Help is for everyone. Yes, Everyone!

Those of us who are not digital natives, the first generation to grow up with the internet as part of daily life, often find ourselves playing catch up in the never-ending race to remain current with technology.  Some folks call us dinosaurs or luddites; others just say we are out of touch.  That is simply not true.  We want to learn and find answers but we may not feel welcome when we try to find help.

This can be frustrating and lead to becoming dependent on others for simple tasks we might prefer to do ourselves.  If only there was a place for “non-techies” to find help from people who speak to us in terms we understand and make us feel welcome.  A place to be empowered, to find answers, and leave feeling confident that we have the resources to handle tech challenges in the future.

There IS such a place…the Reference and Technology Desk at the library!

Tech Help Options

Drop In: You can ask questions about your mobile phone, tablet and laptop at the Reference and Technology Desk.  We answer these questions on a first-come, first-serve basis.  The friendly staff member at the desk will also need to be available to serve other patrons using the printer, library computers, scanning station, and other digital services.  

Individual Tech Help Sessions: We offer Wilmette Public Library cardholders one-hour individual assistance via 1:1 Tech Help Sessions.  

  • To reserve your appointment please visit our website, and click or tap on Services, then click or tap on Computers & Media Stations, then click or tap on Book a 1:1 Tech Help Appointment
  • You can select the type of help you need based on your needs.  Wilmette Public Library cardholders can receive two 1:1 Tech Help sessions a month.

Online Resources: There are many digital tools you can access 24/7 from your own device to learn new things, or get a refresher, across a wide variety of topics.  These helpful tools are on our website

  • Click or tap on Research, then click or tap on Online Learning and search for LinkedIn Learning, DigitalLearn, Udemy, and more, to discover all the courses and classes available to help improve your digital know-how and confidence.

Library Programs: We offer a wide variety of in-person and virtual technology programs that cover topics such as how to personalize your device, how to better manage passwords, how to learn more about cloud storage, and so much more.

  • To learn more, see a calendar of events, and reserve your space in a program, please click here

Technology is always changing and we can keep up with these changes with a bit of practice and some help.  We are happy to be a welcoming place offering tech help to all. 

Be sure to stop by our Reference and Technology Desk, located on the First Floor in the Reference area, the next time you are in the library and let us know how we can help you make friends with your tech!

Post Author
Sabrina Nizzi